San Domenico

Airy view of the path that leads to San Domenico.

The church of“Santa Maria a Castro” and the convent.

Saint Joseph – Represented in this majolica of the 18th century; it can be seen on the path that leads to the religious complex .

Detail of the church bell – with Vettica Maggiore on the background .

Plaster fresco representing the “Madonna delle Grazie”, recently discovered (1994).

Detail of the fresco datable around 1400 – unfortunately is not signed, but can be attribueted to neapolitan artists .

Flare illumination atSan Domenico – this tradition recalls back to 1599,when domenican monks settled down in this area .

The event, take place in August, during the celebration of Saint Domenico (from the 1st to the 4th of August ) .

Maurizio De Rosa
Praiano(SA) Amalfi Coast
Mobile: +39 339-1718194 /